PV CYCLE in the UK prepares to meet compliance for the PV sector
Bristol, 17/12/2013 – The new UK WEEE Regulations were placed before Parliament on 10th December and come into force on 1st January 2014. UK is the first Member State to introduce its own national legislation before the transposition deadline of mid-February. Country Manager of Producer Compliance Scheme PV CYCLE UK, David Burton, commented “While it’s unusual to see the introduction of new regulations take effect before the legal deadline, it makes sense in this instance, as the new regulations come into force at the start of a new compliance year, which is defined on a calendar year basis, and to introduce changes part way through the year would have caused confusion and additional costs.”
The new WEEE Regulations see the introduction of PV panels as a new category, lobbied for by the PV sector in order to avoid the costs of financing collections of waste consumer electronics. David Burton picked up on the issue “The Regulations are traditionally focused upon ensuring collection and recycling of consumer products but not necessarily on the very nature of PV modules with their long lifecycle and B2B character. Thankfully the Department of Business, Skills and Innovation (BIS) have taken a pragmatic approach, in consultation with the PV sector, to ensure that the industry takes responsibility without damaging its long term sustainability objectives”.
All companies who import PV panels in the UK are required to register with a Producer Compliance Scheme with effect from 1st January 2014 and to report import data and take financial responsibility for waste PV panels as they arise.
Note to editors
The Producer Compliance Scheme PV CYCLE UK is a UK-focused initiative of PV CYCLE – the industry-led take-back and recycling solution for PV panel waste – providing full compliance services under the UK Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations. Established in 2013, PV CYCLE UK plays a pivotal role in enabling UK-based PV companies to execute their legal compliance and waste treatment obligations. Our service is open to anyone who wishes to dispose of PV panels free of charge. For more information, visit www.pvcycle.org.uk or view our online photo gallery. You can also find PV CYCLE on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
For more information
Pia Alina Lange, PR & Communications Manager Europe